Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Uh...um...er...Yeah. Wow.

Oh, geez...

Y' know the times that your mother, sister, father, grandparent, teacher, etc. told you to go change out of the skanky clothes you tried to leave the house in, or clued you into the secret that what you were presenting might give people the wrong impression??? Just maybe?

Well, I walked out of a store this afternoon and was presented...nay, assaulted...with this:

Yes, ladies, gents, and hobbits, that is not just a blinged out Hummer, but a HOT PEPTO PINK Hummer. Wait. It gets better. And, I think this chica has no qualms about what she's presenting...

Notice, first, that it is parked in a handicap spot. Um...did someone go all Heidi Montag and now can't walk for long distances?? [Ahem. Moving on.]

It gets better. I promise.

There's also a sticker on the back that says something to the effect of Carolina girls are more fun. I'll take her word for it.

But seriously, that's not even the BEST (worst?) part.

Are you ready?

Wait for it...

BAM! You cannot make this crap up, I swear.

Okay, so if you're missing the punch line, I refer you--once again--to urbandictionary.com.

Yep. NOW you're groaning, right? A "YUMMER" Hummer.

Ew. [shivers]

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