Monday, April 19, 2010

A Dose of Douche Baggery:

I've come to the conclusion that nothing, I mean NOTHING shouts "I'm compensating" quite like hanging a fake pair from the tail end of your massive, excessively large truck.

(Photo source)

Wow. Yeah. Um...You know, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Freud was onto something with all of his crazy theories; he just went a step too far in everything. But, I have to contend that women don't have penis envy, these guys have penis envy. [snicker]

And in related douche baggery, Jon Gosselin now has a faux-hawk. Oh, and I love that in this pic, he's walking out of a Goodwill Store. And he's trying to get custody of the kids? Yeah. A judge is gonna totally look and him and think he's prime parental material.

(Photo source)


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