Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things I'm Loving Right Now:

I really could blog separately about these three topics, and maybe I should, but I can't decide which to go with first, and really, where's the schizophrenic fun in that?? So...BAM! here's three things I'm loving, all at once.

Number 1: It's approaching summer time here in Texas, and while a Cherry Limeade (I like mine diet) or an Ocean Water are fabulous all year round, when it's hot outside, almost nothing is better.

(Photo source)

See also: frozen treats! Om, nom nom! :)

Number 2: Fun, new, unique bands. Here's a sampling from Broken Bells. I know I've blogged about them before, but they're just superb. I LOVE this song:

Their musicality is fantastic, and their new self-titled album does NOT have a bad song on it. It's simply awesome. I love the obvious influences they've acquired in their tracks: they're reminiscent at times of The Bee Gees and The Beatles. LOVING it!!

And here's a song from The XX.

Just listen to the syncopation of the bass line and the vocal canon near the end that ends in the perfect ritardando. Aaaaaah!!!! So great!! And now that I've astounded you with my musical geekiness, I'll move on...

Seriously, how old are these kids? They may not be of legal drinking age (IDK, I'm just blogging in the hypothetical here), but they are A-MAZING!!!

Number 3: Celebrity crushes. You may take your Justin Bieber (yuck), your R-Patz (okay, he is fine, but who's counting?), your Channing Tatum, your Chase Crawford, etc...

I'll take Jackson Rathbone, 'kaythanxbye!

Sure he's an actor. But, he's also a musician, kinda wacky, wears fun hats and geek-chic glasses while making highly-improv music. AND, the piece de resistance?? He's a Texas boy. SQEEEEEEEEEAL!!! Be still, my beating heart.

Here's another one:

(Photo source)

Aaaaah!!!!! The fact that he happens to play my favorite Cullen in the Twilight movies is just a very happy coincidence. (I'm Team Jasper, 100%, but do have lots of love for Edward) Nice. Also to his credit, he got slimed on Nick's Kids Choice Awards, although not to the extent and hilarity of the Katy Perry slime attack.

So, I'm thinking summer is gonna rock (no pun intended) for me, with Sonic, all the new music coming out, and some Jackson on the big screen.



  1. That pic of Jasper is WAY hotter than Jasper with his bad wig on.

  2. You are so funny!! I love that second picture of Jackson. Looks very hot! Now you got me thinking about three things that I love...hmmmm...might have to copy you and do a blog post. :)
