Monday, November 23, 2009

Media Mondays: New Moon Madness and AMAs

Well, unless you've been abducted by aliens or you've been living in a cave with a tin foil hat on, you know that this past weekend was opening weekend for the second installment of the Twilight saga: New Moon. It made a ton of money from its screaming (and nearly fainting) prepubescent fans...and its "older" fans...making more money on its opening day than any other movie before, beating out The Dark Knight's record-breaking first day revenue.

Oh, yeah, and if you picked up on the "older" part of my previous statement, it should be noted that "older" equals 25+ in the Twilight world. EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!? I'm OLDER?? I think not.

Besides...Edward is 109...that makes him older. I digress.

Check out author Stephenie Meyer's website where she's answered a ton of questions recently posted about Twilight, etc. She's asked if she's surprised by "older" fans & I LOVE that she responded that she wrote it for her 29-year-old self, so no. Check out the quotes and fun answers to a bunch of questions.

Moving on to the other weekend madness: the American Music Awards.

I think perhaps the most memorable moment--though not for good reasons--was Adam Lambert's homo-fest. Sorry; I know I'm not pulling any punches with this one, but that's really what it was. There was a big make-out moment with someone...was it a guy? was it a girl? do we want to know? Oh yeah, and gratuitous crotch faces. *shudder*

And in other AMA news: Lady Gaga gave a laughable performance. She's special.

And Jermaine Jackson needs to remember that he, in fact, is NOT Michael, never has been and never will be and should be ashamed of his behavior.

There were some good performances: the Black Eyed Peas, for instance are always great and Carrie Underwood rocked it out.

Congrats to Taylor Swift for all of her wins and I have to say, the girl's a genius. She wasn't in L.A. for the awards, but in London...Kanye was nowhere close! Love ya, Taylor!

Ah, and here you see that my two subjects intersect! This is better than six degrees of Kevin Bacon!

Taylor Swift (AMA big winner) + Taylor Lautner (New Moon buff boy) = (neither confirmed, nor denied) LOVE!!!

Happy Monday! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, Adam Lambert. I feel sorry for my gay friends who were also horrified because so many people think "gay" as the first thing when they saw that and they don't deserve the association. Apparently bad taste comes gay, straight, and in-between.
