Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Hiatus

Hello my little chickadees and chickadudes! I realize I've been absent from the blogging world for the past few weeks, but I shall join it once again with gusto after the New Year! It appears that the life of a wife/mommy/entrepreneur/writer/artist/grad student gets pretty busy come turkey time.

Oh! but there have been so many things I've wanted to blog about: New Moon! The db that is Jon Gosselin! Adam Lambert and how he's screwed up his career! R-Patz (my super secret...or not so much...celeb crush)! Turkey Day! SYTYCD! Margaret Atwood and the strange book of hers I recently read! Football...I really could go on, but I won't for now.

So, I will leave you until January with my wish that you have a beautiful and very Merry Christmas! I hope you have the chance to set aside work, school, chores and all the mundane aspects of life, and take a moment to gather the people that are most important around yourself and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

...And maybe catch a good movie or two. I'm thinking Avatar and It's Complicated...

Merry Christmas :)

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